Godherja Encyclopedia

Akapura (animal)

The Akapura is a giant luminous turtle, so large that it is often mistaken for an island on the Pirate Coast it swims along. Whilst a passive creature, its hibernations often last for centuries, leaving the Akapura with no understanding of the passage of time. The Akapura is a beautiful and serene leviathan, but there are many stories of houses on supposed island hilltops mysteriously disappearing when an Akapura is spotted.

An Akapura is the size of a small island and is encased in a thick shell. Compared to killing such a massive creature, tracking it has been an easy task for my party. This particular Akapura has only recently awoken, its luminous head visible above the waves whilst its limbs remain inside its shell. Whilst there is little danger of losing sight of the creature, there are no guarantees as to how killing it will proceed.

I have prepared a bomb for my task. The shell of the Akapura is nearly as strong as stone, and its limbs are thick and scaly: the only way I could truly kill such a beast is from the inside. Armed with climbing spikes, a dagger, and a well-wrapped bomb, I make my way to the shore.

As I remove all but the most basic of my clothes, I can only hope that my skill serves me well when I dive into its domain.