Godherja Encyclopedia

Camel (animal)

While most camels you will see throughout Aeras are domesticated, there are small populations that still migrate through the deserts of the world, often covering the vast tracks of wilderness with little to no vegetation. The migratory camels are hearty creatures, well adapted for survival in the most hostile of environments.

The herd of camels that we have been shadowing has finally took up rest near a small watering hole, the only one we have seen for hours. We've walked for so long under the oppressive sun that I can feel the small bits of my exposed skin burning from the heat. The dune that we stand atop sinks around my feet as I climb down its slope to get a better view on the resting animals. I raise my long range weapon and aim just below the mounds on a particular camel's back, one who is focused on a miniscule shrub struggling against the sands. I steady my breathing and squint hard at the beast. Some of the camels seem to notice my approach and rise from the sand, grunting threats at me. If I do don't take the chance now, we might lose the herd if they run.