Godherja Encyclopedia

Coatl (animal)

The Coatl is a rare serpentine species said to inhabit the jungles of Sarradon They are large, solitary creatures described as having large, pale wings and feathered, serpent bodies. They are quite reclusive, with sightings ranging in the single to double digits, and even less for a group of them together. It is said they like to make their dens in caves and caverns not easily reachable by other animals.

We've treked through the dense jungle undergrowth for hours, following a winding river upstream to a small waterfall that some of the locals claimed to be the coatl's lair. Upon our approach, I notice what seems to be a crevice hidden behind the gushing water. If we climb the vines dangling near the fall, we could use them to swing inside. I make sure my blade won't fall from my side and ready my net, slinging it across my arm. The coatl is said to be ferocious and strong enough to crush a man with its body. We must prevent it from escaping by flight once attacked, and so I've brought a net to catch the beast's wings in, though our trouble will be far from over. If we are to be victorious, we must be fierce.