Godherja Encyclopedia

Crocotta (animal)

The Crocotta is a creature that resembles a wolf with a fox's head and cloven hooves, found primarily in Opakhasia. Swifter than any dog and as strong as stags, Crocotta clans are hated and feared across Greater Aversaria. Some legends involve the Crocotta mimicking the words of humans to lure humans and lesser dogs into the mountains and ambushing them.

Crocotta clans have been sighted near to where my party roams, preying on local villages. With each moment that passes, the chance that I will hear their horrifying calls becomes ever more likely. They still prowl across the hills as we track them, and it may be that they find us before we find them.

I spot a Crocotta clan feasting together on the remains of two boars. As my party draw closer, I see that their 'teeth' are in fact just a single ridge of bone on either jaw, ripping away massive chunks of flesh at a time. We move closer to the clan steadily, making sure to keep quiet enough to not alert them too early. If we act too soon, the creatures will surround us and pounce at us with a speed and power that we cannot match.

As the creatures finish their meal, the onus falls to me to make the first move.