Godherja Encyclopedia

Daggertusk Mammoth (animal)

DaggerTusk Mammoths are, despite their great bulk, a shy animal, and rarely seen. They tower over their smaller cousins, with bulls averaging twice as large as their male compatriots among the mammoths. They are also distinctive for their tusks, which stick straight downward like daggers. Despite immense size and savage appearance, DaggerTusks are notably less aggressive, preferring flight unless backed into a corner. If forced to fight, their herds show an unusual degree of coordination in defending themselves.

RAN OUT OF TIME SORRY PATRONS COMING SOON XOXOXO"Daggertusk Mammoths are, despite their great bulk, a shy animal, and rarely seen. They tower over their smaller cousins, with bulls averaging twice as large as their male compatriots among the mammoths. They are also distinctive for their tusks, which stick straight downward like daggers. Despite immense size and savage appearance, DaggerTusks are notably less aggressive, preferring flight unless backed into a corner. If forced to fight, their herds show an unusual degree of coordination in defending themselves."-Ragambald Manswel's Bestiarium

We've followed the tracks of the elusive Daggertusk for several days. Despite being the size of a small hill, and having a weight to match, they've proven more difficult to follow than I would have expected. Nevertheless, an animal capable of defoliating an entire forest can only do so much to cover its tracks, and we are soon shadowing the herd directly. With a grim sort of excitement my hunters and I prepare to make our attack.