Godherja Encyclopedia

Damotan Elephant (animal)

Damotan Elephants are strange creatures, titantic masses of grey, leathery flesh, with long tusks framing massive, trunk-like noses. Though seemingly threatening, these creatures are fairly docile, however their ivory tusks make hunting them a profitable endeavour nonetheless. Damotan elephants differ from their nothern cousins, generally being smaller, though their trunks are more adept at grabbing and breaking branches.

As I cut my way through the thick, hot jungle, I can hear a stomping in the distance, echoing off of the dense trees. Raising a hand behind me, I slowly creep forward, gripping my spear tightly, and moving slowly and quietly towards the source of the sound. Then, I see it, a massive grey shape moving through the trees, trunk pulling offending branches out of the way, tusks catching the sparse light flowing through the trees. Though moving slowly through the difficult terrain, its weight is still able to carry it forward, crushing whatever stands upon its path. Through the trees, I can see my comrades moving, slowly trying to cut it off from all sides. Once my hunting party has surrounded it, I issue a whistle, and we move in for the kill.