Godherja Encyclopedia

Dire Boar (animal)

The larger cousin of the common boar, unlike their smaller cousins dire boars have never been domesticated despite the constant efforts of Aeras' most ambitious farmers. They are highly territorial and known to hold grudges.

The dire boar is a savage beast, its size and power easily rivalling that of a particularly large bear. Its chief weakness lies in its wits - a regular boar, though a simple creature, still must make at least basic risk assessments due to its small size, but its giant cousin has completely eschewed any kind of even vaguely rational thought in favor of blindly trying to brutalize whatever annoyance it encounters.

This particular dire boar did not even try to be subtle about its movements. In fact, my party had already heard its ear-piercing whines leagues away. It is chewing upon a bush, completely oblivious—and frankly, uncaring—about its surroundings.

I am unsure whether my long range weapon is strong enough to do any kind of appreciable damage to this thing, but I can only try.