Godherja Encyclopedia

Emperor Cobra (animal)

Emperor Cobras are large, venomous snakes that hunt throughout the dense tropical wilderness of southern Kashirya and the Pirate Coast. It holds many of the same characteristics as the more common king cobra, though emperors are often quadruple in size. On average, the serpent can grow long enough to swallow three men whole, and its massive fangs will not only rip you in half, but if the blood loss does not kill you first, their toxic venom will. They are extremely territorial and aggressive, primarily feeding on humans and other snakes.

We've trudged deep into the shaded wilderness, a slick layer of moisture coating each of us. Just beyond us, coursing through the undergrowth like a wave in the dirt, our prey; the emperor cobra. We try to move as quietly as we can, hopeful that we have not yet alerted the serpent to our presence. Its scales seem to shimmer in the faint rays of light breaking through the canopy above. I can hear its hiss flow across the wind as the snake searches for its next meal, and I pray it will not be us. I take one last look at the cobra's massive form moving through the mud beyond us and turn to my companions to make sure we are ready. We will only have one opportunity at this, and we must make it count.