Godherja Encyclopedia

Great Rahksasa (animal)

The Great Rahksasa, or 'Great Man-eater,' are massive reptiles said to be one of the largest creatures on Aeras. These gargantuan beasts can weight up to a ton, and often stretch to thirty feet. They can only be found in the deep jungles and forests of the Pirate Coast and parts of southern Kashirya, though they are incredibly rare. The species gained their name from their propensity for hunting humans and other large game. The rahksasa have no natural predators in their habitat, making them a dangerous threat to human settlements. Rulers have long held massive hunts for the beasts hoping to gain prestige, or safety, for their land.

The Great Rahksasa is true to its name. After an arduous journey deep into the humid rainforest, we tracked the massive beast easily. Its tracks weren't at all hard to find, nor did it seem the lizard cared to, as if confident in its strength. When we finally spotted the beast through the foliage, it had begun ravaging the corpses of two unlucky travelers. We could hear their screams in the distance as we tracked, though there was no chance we could help.

With the rahksasa preoccupied, we skulk closer through the underbrush, careful to make as little sound as possible. There is no room for error when hunting these creatures, and we must be decisive and cunning if we hope to survive. The beast knocks down a tree that it had smashed against in an attempt to push the corpse deeper into its gullet, and now struggles to force its meal down, giving us a window to strike it down.