Godherja Encyclopedia

Hippopotamus (animal)

Hippopotami are powerful beasts that roam the rivers and lakes of Sarradon While they gain sustenance from vegetation, hippopotami are ferocious beasts not to be trifled with. It is said they cut themselves on reeds and rocks to grow stronger.

We have waited until dusk, some distance from a small lake where a school of hippopotami has lounged under the blistering heat. It didn't take long to track the beasts down, but it would have been foolish to face them in the water. They're quick swimmers and can easily crush a man in their jaws. As night draws closer, the beasts rise and lumber their way up the shore to graze on the brush, and it is in that moment when I'm struck by how monstrous they appear. I had heard stories of hippopotami cutting themselves on reeds to grow stronger, or relieve pain, but the thick layers of oily blood coating the hippopotami made clear the tales were true. The beasts wander farther through the wetlands, paying almost no mind to their surroundings as they feast. We use this as an opportunity to sneak towards a lone hippopotamus that had gone further from the water's edge than the others. If we can catch it by surprise, and aim for its mouth, we can take it down.