Godherja Encyclopedia

Leshen (animal)

Extremely territorial and aggressive masses of plant matter animated by a powerful spirit, leshens manifest with regularity only in the most heavily wooded regions of Aeras. Though their nexus might not be much larger than a person, their malleable form means that the most ancient of leshens have been known to grow as large as an oak tree when accounting for their limbs and other protrusions.

We tread lightly through the dense woods, aware that the leshen is now nearby. The spirit has the advantage of camouflage - in its idle state, its woody body completely blends into the surrounding forest. Luckily, we manage to notice it just in time - a sprawling mass of wood and leaves gently oozing sap, its long "limbs" almost indistinguishable from the surrounding flora.

Gently, I remove the pot of liquid fire stowed away in my backpack, and ready to throw it at my quarry. Though unlikely to kill the leshen outright, setting it on fire will give me a massive advantage in the ensuing fight.