Godherja Encyclopedia

Mammoth (animal)

The great beasts of the northern tundra, mammoths are rarely seen in the southern parts of the continent in modern times. They dwell in herds and are known to be quite intelligent and sociable. Males, particularly solitary males, are known to go through periods of aggression during the winter which makes them very dangerous to approach.

We've been following the shaggy, lumbering forms of the mammoth herd for days as they roam through the vast tundra, waiting for the opportune moment to strike out. While the mammoth may be a domineering creature, capable of skewering a man in an instant, they're quite easy to scare, and split from their herd, with the right tool; fire.

Under the cover of night, the mammoths take rest around a small watering hole, with a creek whose stream leads down a rocky fall. With our torches and spears in hand, we quickly set them ablaze and spring from the thin brush in a cacophony of adrenaline. The mammoths scatter before us, roaring and heaving as the torches glaze across their eyes. One in particular, a behemoth of a creature whose tusks seem larger than its own body, flees from the watering hole. You give chase, following alongside the shallow creek bed. As we grow closer to the fall, I ready my spear to needle as deep into my quarry's deep hide, my fellows doing the same. I can only hope it will be enough.