Godherja Encyclopedia

Pooka (animal)

The Pooka is curious being covered in charcoal black fur, with large owl-like eyes and long droopy ears. Its hands and feet are agile and strong, like that of a monkey or squirrel. Its head can almost turn completely around, vertically and horizontally. Its mouth hides a strangely human-like grin and its movement is erratic and twitchy. On top of its bizarre appearance, a Pooka also possesses many surprising abilities. It can speak or at least imitate human speech, shapeshift into a horse-like beast when threatened and seemingly disappear into thin air. Most children who live in areas with Pookas have fond memories of playing and dancing with them, however they seemingly stop appearing to people once they reach adulthood.

The Pooka is curious being covered in charcoal black fur, with large owl-like eyes and tall pointy ears. Its hands and feet are agile and strong, like that of a monkey or squirrel. Its head can almost turn completely around, vertically and horizontally. Its mouth hides a strangely human-like grin and its movement is erratic and twitchy. On top of its bizzare appearance, a Pooka also possesses many suprising abilities. It can speak or at least imitate human speech, shapeshift into a horse-like beast when threatened and seemingly disappear into thin air. Most children who live in areas with Pookas have fond memories of playing and dancing with them, however they seemingly stop appearing to people once they reach adulthood.

We hear the Pooka before we see any sign of it, its laughs echoing across the forest are strangely childlike and chilling.