Godherja Encyclopedia

Porcupine (animal)

Porcupine are small woodland creatures that cover their bodies in sharp quills to protect from predators. They are quite small, and tend to live in small dens dug into the ground. While not difficult to catch, their quills make them incredibly irksome for any who come unprepared.

Porcupines are far from dangerous creatures to hunt, but it does take a keen eye and quick hands to catch them in the wild. I've followed the tracks of one through the forest to a large, old-growth whose limbs hang nearly to the soil. As I step closer, looking for signs of my prey, I hear a squeak and barely notice a flash of quills disappear into a small hole at the base of the tree, hidden between its roots. If I'm careful, I should be able to draw the little creature out by pouring water into its den, but if I'm not quick enough it could easily escape me.