Godherja Encyclopedia

Shetani (animal)

The Shetani is a form of malevolent spirit native to Damota, known for their intellect and cunning, hunting the unwary via trickery and stealth. How exactly they originated is unknown, as are their true forms, with them instead preferring to take the shapes of humans or animals. Local superstition holds that certain engravings can ward them off, though this theory has little evidence behind it. One can always tell a Shetani from the creatures it seeks to imitate due to the spirit's inherent imperfections, which manifest as distortions in its assumed body. Examples include missing or twisted limbs, abnormal proportions, or strange patterns marked upon the skin or fur.

The Shetani is a form of malevolent spirit native to Damota, known for their intellect and cunning, hunting the unwary via trickery and stealth. How exactly they originated is unknown, as are their true forms, with them instead preferring to take the shapes of humans or animals. Local superstition holds that certain engravings can ward them off, though this theory has little evidence behind it. One can always tell a Shetani from the creatures it seeks to imitate due to the spirit's inherent inperfections, which manifest as distortions in its assumed body. Examples include missing or twisted limbs, abnormal proportions, or strange patterns marked upon the skin or fur.

As we journeyed through the humid jungle, torches raised so as to ward off darkness, we noticed a strange trail. The pawmarks of a cat with a single twisted leg suddenly changed to those of a human, and then by uneven hoofmarks. Carefully, cautiously, we followed this trail, knowing that it might have left it deliberately so as to lead us on.

We have followed the markings over the course of several days, with the feeling of being watched causing all of us to shiver with fear. Occaisonally, I could see a distorted figure ahead of me in the distance, beyond the small circle of torchlight, but I am unsure if it is merely a figment of my imagination. The trail lead here, into a clearing just beyond the trees, and I am about to step forth and see what awaits...