Godherja Encyclopedia

Tiger (animal)

Tigers are some of the largest feline animals across Aeras. Easily recognizable by their orange and black striped fur, they are considered apex predators in their habitats. Tiger ranges cross most of Sarradon and Kashirya, though the species often lead solitary lives. They are incredibly powerful, and can easily kill those unprepared for encounters with them.

Tigers are majestic and mighty natural creatures, and are considered possibly the most prestigious of mundane game to hunt. Masters of many lands that they inhabit, they are legendary for their ability to hunt and stalk and do battle with those fighting it, and many hunters have soon found their situation reversed by a clever tiger.

Of course, we live in a modern and pragmatic world, one where someone such as I no longer needs to spend days in a tree above a rotting carcass waiting for a tiger to come collect so that I can jump down and try not to die in the ensuing battle. Instead, I sit in a tree above a rotting carcass and patiently wait for the tiger to come and devour the corpse, along with the strange 'bomb' that I have bought from a specialty weapons merchant from Chevalie!