Godherja Encyclopedia

Torkyll (animal)

Torkylls, or as sailors often call them "Blue Sea Spirits," are large, iridescent, jelly fish-like creatures that crowd the western isles' waterways, and the coasts of Eripomvuno. Migratory groups of torkylls can be easily spotted at night along the wayline routes, though during the day they are near impossible to see with the naked eye.

Despite their enchanting beauty, sailors avoid the torkylls at all costs. Many tales and omens tell of men and women being drawn to the sea and then dragged to watery graves by the beasts, and the simple act of touching one is dangerous enough due to the torkyll's highly toxic flesh and tentacles.

Our small boat has rocked against gentle waves since the break of dawn as we sat and watched the sea. With night setting across the horizon, it became easier to understand how accurate the sailor's stories were. As the sun began to set, the sea around us illuminated with a cool, indigo light that shimmered atop the water. The darker night grew, the more apparent the shapes and forms of each individual torkyll became, until eventually our little dingy found itself in the middle of the entire flock.

With little time to lose as the blue sea spirits drifted past us in the direction of the Sea Tower, my comrades and I prepared our nettings and spears. Each of us fashioned long strips of cloth and leather around our hands and arms to avoid being touched by the torkyll, but that still may not prove enough with how many surround us. I watch with spear and net in hand, waiting for our moment to strike.