Godherja Encyclopedia

Twin-Serpent (animal)

One of the chief snakes of Cyrat, a twin-serpent is a large serpent with two heads. Whilst not venomous, the sheer size of the creature makes it a monstrous constrictor. Its prey are wrapped in its tail, crushed to a pulp as they are eaten from both top and bottom simultaneously.

The slither of snakes in the thick vegetation of Cyrat is a common sound, but my party seek one sound in particular. Twin-serpents have been spotted nearby, and now we seek to best one ourselves. Whilst the creatures as strong and swift, I am confident in my ability to leave this hunt alive.

The twin-serpent is a solitary creature, and used to hunting isolated prey. My hope is that my party and I can overwhelm the creature's ability to use its gifts all at once, distributing the tail and heads between us. Even so, the sight of the gargantuan snake before us makes my knees weak.

I have to ensure that I'm ready to fight such a creature, else my death will be inevitable.