Godherja Encyclopedia

Vampire Bat (animal)

Vampire Bats are a common animal throughout the Central Isles. These large bats inhabit many of the caves scattered throughout the archipelago and feast on the large populations of migratory birds that travel through the region. While a single bat is usually not enough to kill a grown man, there have been incidents of children disappearing into their caves, never to return. The bats are remarked as vampires due to their hunger for fresh blood and meat, though they will scavenge scraps when necessary.

An echo of chirps and rustling leaks from the cave before us as we try to see into its blackness. We're certain that this cave is home to vampire bats, though we've been unable to tell just how many. My companions prepare several torches so we can see through the dark and several bundles of lightly oiled cloth. We need to scare the bats into fleeing their home, otherwise we'll be stuck with them inside the cave. While one may not be dangerous, dozens or even hundreds will easily overwhelm us.