Godherja Encyclopedia

Whisperwind (animal)

The Whisperwind is a creature that lurks in the hidden recesses of the Mayikrata. Said to be composed of pure air, the Whisperwind often hunts in plain sight as it has been reputed to imperceptible to the naked eye. It is often said that the Whisperwind cannot be killed by conventional means, and is felled only by Magic.

The Whisperwind is thought by some to have many forms, and some have said that it has no form at all, but rumours are no good to a hunter. I have brought with me the tools that I need to kill this monstrosity, and stories are not one of them.

I feel a gust of air emerge from a chasm and alert my party. Crawling through the corridors as discreetly as we can, we wait for another sign. Our torches flicker in the dark corridor, and soon we are plunged into darkness. I am sure that the Whisperwind is toying with us, thinking that we cannot escape it so deep into the Mayikrata's hidden alcoves.

If I am to escape or fight the creature, then I will need to ready myself soon.