Godherja Encyclopedia

Zilant (animal)

Zilants are mighty, avian beasts said to roam the steppes and cliffs of Aironoi. Highly dangerous, they are the subject of many local tales of ferocious, red winged dragons soaring high above the endless plains. They are said to hold many characteristics akin to roosters and snakes, though only myth and tall tale claim of its existence. Since the Imperial Civil War, supposed sightings of the beast have increased.

The Zilant is said to live a top the craggy cliffside before us, somewhere nestled amongst the rock. The nearest villages steer clear of these cliffs, and there have been sightings of a large, red winged creature taking cattle and other herd animals. We've readied long range weapon ammo with hooked tips, and plenty of rope to drag the monster down if it attempts to fly away, though only trial will tell us if we're strong enough to bring it down.

After a short ride on horse back, we dismount at the base of the cliffs. Their rocky top side bend into the sky like curled fingers, guarding what's hidden amongst the stone. The climb is tough, though far from treacherous, a trail of sweat beads on my brow by the time we reach what seems a palm for the fingers. I ready my long range weapon as we skulk through the rock face, the setting sun above our heads shines just so through the crevices that the shadows seem deeper. With every step I can hear the dirt and pebble crunch underfoot. It is quiet in the rocks. We climb higher, and over my shoulder I can see the vast steppe beyond the cliffs. When I turn back to the rocks, a new sound trickles into my ear; snoring. While I cannot help but feel a rush at the thought of killing such a grand beast as a zilant, we must be cautious and cunning if we hope to not only survive, but also emerge victorious.