Godherja Encyclopedia

Expedition to the Northern Source: A Report (artifact)

A comprehensive report on the 983 Aversarinas Enosi Cartegraftekon expedition to the source of the Northern Wayline. One of the only three known major attempts to undertake this feat, it is noteworthy due to also being the only one of which records still survive - the 1101 one vanishing without a trace, and records of the 531 expedition by the Kartharaddi going up in cinders with the destruction of the Imperium.

Though it had begun with great optimism, the team of Magi and explorers would rapidly encounter escalating difficulties, a hostile and bleak landscape, rising background magic levels and exposure sickness. Ultimately, the team was forced to turn back several hundred leagues short of their goal, noting that no tower was visible from their location, and concluding that the source might be buried, or of a fundamentally different nature than the Sea Tower, but certainly inaccessible.

Disturbingly, several members of the expedition went delirious by the time the party turned back, and instead pressed on to their almost certain demise.