Godherja Encyclopedia

Rule of Many (artifact)

An analysis and praise of the curious political system of proto-Aversarian Naupyrna, written by a local aristocrat known as Kleistha'nax, likely in the late first century BI. Centuries of rule by the Aestraex dynasty were brought to an end in 421 BI when the city's last monarch, the vicious, insane and likely cannibalistic Dioxa'nex the Younger was toppled in a bloody coup that saw his entire line perish. After being unable to decide upon a successor, the citizenry instead decided to pick a ruler from their ranks by gathering up all Magi and having each cast their vote upon who should take the throne. Thus was elected Eliaxa'cea, a great reformer and the first to bear the title of Archon.

After a successful 17 year reign, rather than passing the throne to her eldest child as would be the norm, she decided to instead recall the Magi of the city to yet again pick a successor - and thus a 400 year long tradition was born.