Godherja Encyclopedia

1169 IS: An Age of Madness (bookmark group)

An Age of Madness

Bookmark not currently released.

"Make no mistake, my Aautokratir — no amount of bejeweled monuments or lavish ceremonies will hold back the worms eating away at your empire's foundations."
~Pankratia, 1152 IS

What begun as a minor mutiny in central Katraddia in 1161 has gradually spiraled into a vortex of chaos and destruction that has engulfed all of Aversaria, enflamed further by a massive Gederða whose full consequences are beginning to ripple across the Shattered Coast. Where there was once law, now only the rule of the strongest holds, with the nominal Aautokratir Ischenios hiding away in Asiupoli, his court's authority extending no further than the city's walls. Aversaria stands at the precipice of an abyss, and many claim to be its last remaining hope — will any triumph?