Godherja Encyclopedia

Bēnorīya Ātawek (building)

Next: Bēnorīya Ātawek

Though Magic and its practitioners have long been shunned in Damota, seen as strange and untrustworthy, they have nonetheless found a role in its society, serving and assisting their non-magical counterparts. Perhaps the greatest symbol of their role is the Home of Magic, built as a center for magical learning. In the centuries since, it became the heart of Damotan magical tradition, training a number of prominent advisors and warriors under the Boqqarut, who earned a high standing in Damotan society despite their status as social outcasts. However, with the Etami Tetenik, the school fell into disuse after various warlords seized it, and in the centuries since it has mostly lain vacant, save for the occaisonal treasure-hunter or Magi trying to extract loot or lore from its crumbling walls.#!
Building in progress.