Godherja Encyclopedia

Dalath Analoth (building)

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Located in the Canian metropolis of Bet Addis, the Dalath Analoth is the largest temple built in honor of Eloi and the religious center of the entire Sheharddi faith. This temple has the honor and prestige of being the protector of the Athuneth Kah, a sealed vessel that protects what would be, according to the Sheharddi creed, the last obligations that Eloi taught mankind.

The temple has been subject to a major expansion and now stands as one of the largest religious buildings in Western Sarradon with magnificent halls and beautifully crafted stained glass windows in which, the great sacrifice of the honorable Comerah during the legendary Kalnaih is portrayed. Its polished marble halls are home to the high Sheharddi clergy and since the expansion of the temple, halls have been created where scholars, theologians and academics debate on any topic.