Godherja Encyclopedia

Dielecport (building)

Previous: Dielecport

The Dielecport was once the most important Konijkmener port outside of the Konijkmener homeland. Home to the Most Honorable Royal Trading Charter of the Orange Council and the Waysaints of Coins EITNTKFAO BTWPAIF, one of the most wealthy trading companies in Aversaria, the Dielecport became the staple port from which most trade was filtered from the south towards the Chevalien mainland, and the Honorable Royal Trading Charter maintained a near exclusive right on imports from Aversaria for most of its existence.

With the return of Konijkmener control to Dielec, the Dielecport has been reborn. With the reestablishment of the Royal Trading Charter, massive profits are now gathered by local merchants and of course the authorities who rule it.