Hanouet & Hanouin's Gatehouses (building)
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Next: The Great Ridhan
If Kathanouxa's Bridge had fortifications during his reign, none survived to the modern day. The gatehouses that guard its approaches are clearly architecturally distinct, having been constructed at some point during the royal or early baronial period of Estrasia — possibly even by the feuding brothers Hanouet and Hanouin.
Many stories surround these relatively small, but ancient structures: the Apparition of the Drunken Guardsman has been sighted by far the most often in Hanouet's Gatehouse; the portcullis mechanism in Hanouin's was involved in a number of evil incidents and suspicious deaths throughout history; and both structures are said to possess a kind of will of their own, taking offense to those that show a clear preference for their sibling.