Godherja Encyclopedia

Ḥāseti Mekab (building)

Nestled beyond deep jungle and at the foot of the great mountains that mark the southern edge of Damota, the Ḥāseti Mekab, or False Tomb, has long been an important site to the followers of the Most High. Discovered during the Olani Dynasty, and initially believed to be the resting place of the Mogowai's fallen god, it would take several expeditions through the structures traps in order to reach its heart.

In the center of the temple, deep beneath the ground, there is a crypt, and a miraculously-preserved ancient skeleton lays surrounded by faded carvings, depicting a benevolent, powerful ruler and his lieutenants bestowing blessings upon their people. As a result of this finding, it was concluded that the tomb merely hosted one of His most trusted servants, rather than His missing remains. Despite this, it remains a center of the Mogowai faith, with a constant flow of pilgrims seeking to get close to the remains of one who knew Him, or adventurers looking for clues as to His location.