Godherja Encyclopedia

Karth Watchtower (building)

On the top of the Armazli mountains stands a most curious tower. Only accessible via a long winding mountain path, fought with danger, lies what appears to be a military installation of some kind. Inside this military installation, a large tower stands far above the ground. What was most striking to Aversarian explorers about the locale is how unostentatious and spartan it appears. Upon entering and exploring the facility, countless skeletons were found wearing the rusted armor of the original Kartharaddi Imperium. At the top of the tower, a massive telescopic array was discovered, pointing directly at the old Aversarian realm. Theories arose amongst the explorers about how long the military site stood there for, and how long the Kartharaddi watched. Aversarian explorers upon returning home tried to find any telltale signs of the facility or even be able to spot the tower from the ground below, but it blends into the surroundings like a snow leopard might blend into the snow. Upon reporting their findings, a massive (and controversial) intellectual debate began as to whether the Kartharaddi were watching the Aversarians well before they had officially 'discovered' each other, a debate that still rages to this day.