Godherja Encyclopedia

Pyrgon to Theyssia (building)

Built by Aautokratia Theyssia at the end of the Chaos of the Seventh Century Century and the dawn of the subsequent Golden Age of Aversaria, the Tower of the Mountain (though later referred to by the locals as Theyssia's Tower) and the Tower of Eastern Stars were both former holdings of the Aversarian noble turned Lich Themos. After Themos' defeat by Theyssia and their incorporation into royal holdings, Theyssia's new eastern provinces soon became the centerpiece for the Aversarian powerbase shifting from Etepezea and Malcois to Aironoi and Opakhasia.

Built to protect the new capital of Asiupoli and end the threat of piracy to the capital and Aversaria's northern provinces, the two towers were built upon ancient ruins and stand taller than nearly any other Aversarian structure. With a litany of defensive equipment, their own garrisons and an impressive series of chains that can easily be lowered to block the channel, entire cities have since built up around the safety of their shadows.