Godherja Encyclopedia

Qasmudha (building)

If legend is to be believed, Qasmud the Illuminated received his vision for this palace in a dream, its splendor modeled after the House of the Angels of mythical Yrim. A masterpiece of Middle Thalite architecture, the beautiful Qasmudha was the royal residence of most of the Kingdom of Sarradon's later monarchs. It was famously spared destruction multiple times during its history; first by the Worldeater, which had devastated the rest of New Yrim but miraculously left the palace intact; and by the Downfall-era Wardenite warlord Eshariq 'the Warden's Flame', who viciously sacked the surrounding city but was moved to tears at the thought of the Qasmudha being despoiled and instead ordered it preserved on pain of death.