Rabbit-Hater's Walls (building)
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The mighty ramparts that protect Dragoncourt date from the tumultuous times of the early 7th century. As Clothar IV 'Rabbit-Hater' was dealing with the scourge of the Harepocalypse, he astutely predicted that the chaos afflicting the region would only worsen, and preemptively set about making his castle impregnable to both siege and fey curse. It took fiften years for the project to be completed, and the Baron practically emptied his treasury in the process, but the result was as formidable in the mundane sense as it was magically; reportedly the walls even had forbidden Ojyczanyz rites woven into it.
Mere years later, the troubles afflicting the Reach came to a fever pitch with the War of the Black Yew, and Dragoncourt found itself besieged by one of Carttuen Silver-Hair's most monstrous redcap hordes, which ultimately failed to take the castle and vanished upon Carttuen's defeat. Later on, the Kingdom of Mountain and Reach would improve these defenses even further, correctly seeing the castle as pivotal for preventing an Aversarian reconquest of the region — which it would six times, before Eramos managed to take it by trickery in 727 upon the opening of his Great Northern March.