Godherja Encyclopedia

Repurposed Riduvian Barrows (building)

The Riduvian Barrows was once the resting place of the first Kartharaddi Magi-Imperators during the Age of Star. Even after their destruction in the onset of the Age of Blood, however, it remained a place of peace and good luck to the people of Kartharaddya. After the 748 IS 'Night of the Bleeding Moon', however, it has been largely abandoned. The last time it reached any note as during the Battle of the Riduvian Barrows, the closing battle of the Kartharaddi Wars and the ending point of the Chaos of the Seventh Century.

It was here that the Kartharaddi Siega Vortelsk ('Servant Warmaster', highest rank in the Kartharaddi military) Vladic Yalrion Mahroanavac would attempt to negotiate settlement with the Aversarian legions, and it would be here that he and his men were finally put down once they grew sick of his obstinate refusal of unconditional surrender.