Godherja Encyclopedia

Róxirvoreais (building)

The Róxirvoreais, or the 'Northwatch' in the Aversarian languages, is the historical furthest northern point of Aversarian settlement in the Governorate of Katraddia. A massive series of citadels and fortresses bordering the northern river, they defy the imagination of most travelers, easily being some of the largest and oldest structures known to the aautokrata. Entire villages, towns and cities live in the shade of the wall or within its keeps, and it also constitutes the largest structure on Aeras by length.

Those born and raised within the Northwatch generally enjoy martial education from a young age, living on a hostile border frontier where even children are often expected to hold a spear to battle invading tribes or creatures from ancient cellars. While it has often been the capital of Katraddia, it remains an uncommon choice, primarily because the locals are almost universally considered dour and grim sorts.