Godherja Encyclopedia

Stone Battlefield (building)

Amongst the hill stand two armies, each entirely made of stone, forever locked in a fearsome battle. The statues are of impeccable make, capturing even the smallest details of the soldiers' faces in delicate artistry. Despite this, they are nigh-indestructible, showing no signs of damage from years of exposure to the elements. In the center of the battlefield stands one statue above all. An imposing figure in ornamental armor sits astride a horse, his fingers just barely touching the end of an outstretched javelin aimed at another statue that stands frozen midway through casting a spell.

The locals have long believed this area to be cursed and trees refusing to grow within the stone field. Aversarian scholars on the other hand, have made startling discoveries upon examination of the statues. One of the armies is clad in armor reminiscent of pieces used by ancient Aversarians. No one is quite sure how, or why, such armor and weaponry is this far south, and it is for this reason that discussion of the stone field is still a hotly debated subject amongst historians.