Godherja Encyclopedia

The Eternal Grove (building)

Deep in the heart of the Greensea lies the Eternal Grove, the holy center of the Partic faith. Massive trees block sunlight from ever reaching the ground and giant wolverines hunt unsuspecting travelers. One inexperienced with the forest may assume that it is uninhabited, but the canopy above hosts the small town of Geabraéb, only accessible from hidden pulleys and ladders known only to the Partic. Geabraéb is the home of the Partic arch-council, where they converse with the spirits and determine the fate of the world. Once a thriving city, Geabraéb had thousands living amongst the trees before the Arch-druids decreed that the city be evacuated and most of the structures burned. All that is left is the Campus of the Arch-Council and a few inns for weary pilgrims to rest their legs.

There is a clearing in the middle of the forest where Draíogann Dtocht, the World Tree, stands alone. Drawing power from an immense deposit of Bloodcrystal, the roots of Draíogann Dtocht pulse red with magic and seemingly tap into the core of Aeras itself.

Time flows differently around the World Tree. It is perpetually spring, even during the harshest winters, and the world seems to slow to a crawl whenever one closes their eyes. The Partic Magi have been meditating under the shade of the Draíogann Dtocht for millennia, listening to the voices in the rustling of branches and the falling of leaves. As long as Draíogann Dtocht stands, the Partic shall be united.#!
Building in progress.