Godherja Encyclopedia

The Grey Gates (building)

The Grey Gates is the nickname given to the mountain-pass commanding the northern entrance from the rugged wilderness of the northeast to Aversaria in the west.

A massive series of mountains with only thin, winding and worryingly narrow cut twisting through to the west, it is an extremely dangerous path for travelers to walk, not to mention entire armies. More have died in the pass from falling boulders, cave-ins and landslides than any that have ever died in battle within it.

The Pass is dominated by ancient structures of unknown make, seemingly built into the side of the mountains well above the Pass. Aversarian archeologists have theorized that they predate Aversarian history by several hundred thousand years, though none have ever been able to find entrance, the stone they are built from seemingly impenetrable and the entrances into them never found. Many tales say that the thousands of caves criss-crossing the passes may house the entrance, but none have ever found it, and many who have searched for it have never returned. Their cries for help said to echo through the Pass forever.