Godherja Encyclopedia

The Sunken Tower (building)

Extended Magic Baseline: magic_icon +150

Seemingly an ancient two storied structure poking out of the Konijkmener swamps, the efforts of Aversarian archeologist Dethon Kathanix in 1171 revealed that the structure is actually one of the great Towers which dot the world as places of Magical power. Dethon theorized, using a mix of science and magic, that the Tower would stand at roughly a hundred stories were it to be unearthed.

Of course, as Kathnix eventually learnt, the Tower is still active even if buried. Anything nearing it seems to die, their heart giving out and the swamp rapidly dragging them below the depths, and many of the corpses seen bobbing just under the swampy waters around the Tower wear clothing thousands of years out of style.