Godherja Encyclopedia

Cormag Fenrus 'the Old Dog' (character)

Event: The Wolf of the East

When Cenware united the Sjalvolki, Cormag called him a fool. When he united with the dozens of other fleeing cultures of the north, Cormag called him insane. When Cenware declared his intention to settle upon the bones of Aversaria and begin a new way, Cormag called him many more things, and took ship and sailed east. There in Asiupoli, ruined capital of Aversaria, he has established his clan. The Fenvir will not sit idly and grow weak in the homes of the Aversarians, they will tear down the old and forge a great new realm!

Having broken from Cenware, it is up to Cormag to forge his people's own destiny. But enemies are on all sides, and they grow in power. Will you establish a place for your clan of your own? Or will you prove Cenware right in your destruction?