Godherja Encyclopedia

Heraklios the Sea King (character)

Event: To Rule the Seas

Money, riches, power! No man can have it all, no man besides the king of the seas! Heraklios may have been born a prince, or he may have been born a pauper, but with the drive and the will to become the richest man in memory off the spoils of others, does it matter how rich his cradle was? Heraklios only faces one problem, the fact that his fleet of ships was only gained by promising land to the nobility once he reclaimed his birthright as Aautokratir of Aversaria... a claim of dubious validity...

Heraklios wishes to be a pirate king, his men wish for him to grant them swathes of land in Aversaria. Will you choose one path over or another, or will Heraklios do as he always has, and go for broke and try for both?