Godherja Encyclopedia

Dorogeros (clique)

The Confraternity of the Giving or 'Dorogeros' constitute the insignificant bloc among the order's brethren that advocate for charity to be given over to the common people, arguing that they require it more than the opulent and decadent monks. The vast majority of the order strongly disputes this, contending that it would be impossible for them to properly carry out Philantros' wishes without their three hundred and sixty seventh gilded palatial manse encrusted with only the very finest of diamonds.

Givers for the most part reject what they see as overt grandiosity on the part of their brethren by refusing to accept wealth the order has seized as 'alms to be redistributed to the needy' and see the rest of their fellows as little more than robbers in the guise of holy knights. Furthermore, the Givers are prone to acts of generosity and some have even been known to melt down their own knightly armor into farm tools to aid peasants often suffering from the relentless confiscations of possessions by monks of the order. Without the noble intervention of the Givers, it's likely that their less scrupulous brethren would've long ago destroyed the land in their boundless avarice.