A'Mizfarun Dawl (concept)
A clandestine cult operating cells within the Sirhad's broader structure, the Mizfarun Dawl operated across multiple cabals and regional caucuses throughout Sarradon. Through spying, targeted assassinations, and calculated atrocities they acted as the hidden dagger of the Sirhad, protecting its interests and avenging its defeats. More ominously, they were not above directing their attentions inwards, blackmailing or even murdering Sirhad Magi who threatened to rock the boat. Rumored to have been followers of an exclusively practiced mystery cult whose rites are otherwise unknown, they put their considerable influence towards cementing the Sirhad's unity and neutrality in the midst of the ongoing The War in Heaven.
The exact nature of their failure in this final task in the years leading up to the Halakdun is often pondered over by scholars interested in such esoteric topics. Most theories posit that the Mizfarun Dawl was itself finally overcome by the Wardenite-Ritualist factionalism, fracturing into competing orders of Magi assassins. It is even theorized that these two newly splintered cults even had a hand in the Halakdun itself, with the rival factions aiding and abetting their respective coreligionist allies in the Almadi and Alqarati cabals. A small minority - mocked even in the fringe circles of scholars with an interest in the topic - wildly claim that the Mizfarun Dawl never splintered, and in fact had engineered the Halakdun and the continent spanning horror that followed for their own ends. Whether that was a genocidal attempt to bring a close to the The War in Heaven via mutual exhaustion of both parties, the side effects of an even more secret ritual meant to secure their ascension to a hitherto unknown spiritual plane, or something even more sinister still is something the doomsayers and conspiracists can never quite agree upon.