Godherja Encyclopedia

Avastya Mahani Origins (concept)

One of Aeras's oldest faiths and most likely the oldest organized religion in Kashirya, the Avastya Mahani faith is a polytheistic faith that, at least two thousand years before the formation of Aversaria, either migrated west from the lands of Dahangon or was inspired by pagan migrants entering Kashirya from the region. While most Avastya Mahani choose one or a handful of gods to focus their worship upon, many cults to specific deities have split from the faith and formed their own offshoot faiths (especially after Kashirya's conquest by Otached's Iorne Horde) such as Saravarawat, god of knowledge whose followers formed Vidvaookeyatranism; and Karhikala, god of war, death and justice whose followers would form Karitkamaicism

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