Godherja Encyclopedia

Chariots (concept)

The venerable Chariot has been used in Battle by trained Men at Arms through most of the worlds history, with it appearing famously in many battles such as the Battle of Ten Lakes and Four Days when the Astiliks routed the forces of the Imperial Army sent to conquer Aironoi (a feat rarely repeated thereafter). Chariots are horrifically deadly in the open plain where they form a rapidly moving wall of death led forward by anything from teams of warhorses to beasts and creatures of all kinds - the Aversarians of the Late Empire going so far as to create chariots that could float onward without an animal at all. Chariots are extremely effective against all Infantry and are far Tougher than cavalry, but also have much less ability to pursue or counter larger threats. Outside of the Plains however they are effectively useless, Forests, Mountains, Wetlands and most other Terrain proving a significant challenge, and this along with their high cost and small number has led to the Chariot to wane into relative obscurity.