Godherja Encyclopedia

Fools Coast (concept)

Biozone: Fool's Coast

The Fool's Coast is a surprisingly peaceful and sparsely populated land tucked between the Kasiryat river to the east, Valdrick's Paths to the north, and the Redlands to the west. It is incredibly hospitable despite its surroundings, with pleasant ocean breezes from the south cooling the otherwise humid and hot sands of southern Aironoi, and with a great variety of wildlife and greenery that remains sparse enough as to not intrude upon human habitation. Were this not tempting enough for would-be settlers, the area is also considered one of the richest in gold in the world, and nearly all writings by explorers visiting the region have endlessly obsessed over the unique sheen and hue of the regions rivers, which take on a green and gold hint thanks to a seemingly endless supply of gold flakes.

Despite this, the area remains almost completely free of permanent settlement by outsiders, and its resources remain largely untapped. While a variety of factors have led to the Fool's Coast' lack of populace, the largest one remains its eponymous 'Fool's Curse', an exceptionally deadly disease seemingly carried upon gold and gems removed from the region that only the native population carries any immunity for. With most water and the largest point of interest to the region action as a literal poison, the Fool's Coast has remained a beautiful, vibrant, and empty habitat.

We set out into the wilderness of temporary hunt biozone, excited for the hunt ahead of us. After weeks of handling the boring minutae of organizing the hunt itself, as well as details such as supplies and transport, we are finally in nature and at peace.

Now all that is left to do is actually pick our quarry. It will take a few hours to reach a spot far enough from civilization as to be worth screening for trails, but a pleasant walk in the great outdoors will surely serve as a good warm up to the hunt itself.