Great Betrayal (concept)
In the ancient past the Twin Gods Jerniem and Tarfal established the Nattanan way of life to live with nature, their younger brother Korlacu the god of fire was necessary to make Jerneim’s kill safe to eat. While at first, he endeavored to support the true Path in this minor role he eventually wanted more. Becoming arrogant, he sought to create his own path by wandering the world and was corrupted by it.
He then returned seeking to corrupt the Nattanan having built a stone fortress teaching evil magics. When the twin gods heard of this, they confronted the dark flame filled Koralcu hoping to undo the corruption, sadly they were attacked and forced to kill him. In their mercy, they banished the followers of Korlacu to the northwestern mountains of Kharadan known in the local tongue as Korlacu’s Spine or Chan Kyawkorlacu, and then withdrew themselves from the world to let the Nattanan follow the path on their own.