Godherja Encyclopedia

Hyrean Divide (concept)

Biozone: Hyrean Divide

The Hyrean Divide is a narrow reach of grassland stretches and forest stands buffered on either side by the craggy, Bölkut Mountains to its north, and the Partharian Sea to the south. Much of the grasslands consist of wispy feather grass and scattered tulips broken often by stretches of aspen and hornbeam oak that grow thicker close to the mountains.

Much of center Hyrea is dominated by the Zepnian, a massive fresh water lake where the feather grass thins, and wild wheat grows in scattered prairies. Many fish of the Partharian are known to travel up river to the Zepnian during their migrations, providing ample food for settlements and wildlife alike.

After days of escaping the coastal towns of the Partharian, we've taken to following the mountains as we journey through the Hyrea. The long stretches of whispy grass are tall enough in places to brush my stomach on foot, and the dense, aspen stands prove to be greater obstacles than expected, with little room to move between the trees.

Much of the local fauna so far has been little more than marmots, and difficult to catch at that. It would not take long from here to reach the jagged mountain passes, where locals have warned we should avoid, but for now we would settle with finding a trail.