Godherja Encyclopedia

Imas Aanios (concept)

The Day of Sorrow is the Aversarian name for a daring raid on the city of Naupyrna conducted by a Walakon leader Araran in 83 IS. Half the city went up in smoke, including Outaradéibiblikon, possibly the largest Aversarian library at the time which housed much of its early literature. The extent of the damages combined with the enormous tribute demanded by the Welki led to the city almost being abandoned, its continued existence owed to the tremendous effort of the stateman Xymarchos, who mobilised workers from all over the Island to help with rebuilding. Still, the raid heavily contributed to the Imperial Isle's decline in political strength and remains to this day one of the most traumatic events in Aversarian history, the humiliation of defeat never truly forgotten.

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