Godherja Encyclopedia

Intermediary Wars (concept)

The Intermediary Wars refer to a series of military conflicts fought between the Opakhasian nobility and the Astilik Empire, spanning from 399 to approximately 800 IS, with minimal involvement from Aversaria at large. Often viewed by Astiliks as a struggle between two great empires, these wars were, in fact, largely a private venture of select noble houses and entrepreneurial merchant companies, operating under the tacit approval of the Aautokrata.

Despite quickly losing the coasts to the Aversarians, the Astilik Empire stubbornly resisted further incursions inland—even managing to secure several victories against particularly reckless retinues—and it was not until the Four Masked Compromises were signed between the Aversarians and the Aironoian Ölteni that the Astilik Empire finally succumbed to the onslaught and was subsequently partitioned between the two.

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